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FAQ's: RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation Course

How much will the Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation course cost including exam fees?

This can cost upwards of £660 (approx. $980 / 925 EUROS) plus exam fees of £210 (approx. $310 / 290 EUROS), though budget for an extra £50 ($75/760 EUROS) on top to cover expenses above and beyond this.

What will you get out of it?

If you pass the exam, you will have one of the highest leisure sailing qualifications that the RYA teaches.

Over a week long course you will hone your skills learned in previous sailing qualifications, and the instructor will identify any weaknesses in your preparedness for the exam.

You will work on these to ensure that you will pass the exam, hopefully first time.

What are your limitations after passing the course?

If you pass the Yachtmaster Offshore, in theory you can sail a leisure vessel in most weather conditions anywhere in the world.

Is it theoretical, practical or both?

A lot of this will be theoretical. You will have to practice concise navigation and pilotage, as well as having a thorough knowledge of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea.

You also will be expected to motor, sail, moor, anchor and practice safety techniques instinctively.

Where can you take the Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Preparation?

You can take the course anywhere that is accredited to teach it by the RYA in the world.

What level of experience do you need before you begin this?

You should have:

  • Already passed your Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper theory exam.
  • 50 days aboard, 5 of which have been as skipper
  • 2500 logged sailing miles, five passages of which have been of over 60 miles
  • Two of those passages must have been overnight
  • Two of those passages must have been with you as skipper
  • Over half of your logged miles must have been on tidal waters
  • You must have a VHF certificate
  • And a valid First Aid certificate.

What's the duration of the course?

It will take 7 days (5 days preparation, 2 days exam) to complete, unless of course you fail the exam!

What exactly does this course involve?

  • You will be in the final run up to taking the Yachtmaster Offshore exam. As such you should have done your homework and know the theoretical side of sailing, pilotage and passage making.
  • Over the week the instructor will assess your skills and work on the weaker points to ensure that you will be able to pass the exam at the end.
  • Be prepared to do a man overboard drill at any moment, and be asked awkward questions about fire and safety techniques.
  • You will drill practical skills until they are instinctive, as well as being expected to lead the crew through a range of situations.

How do I progress after completing the Yachtmaster Practical Preparation course?

You can go on to do the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean or professional qualifications.

Does it give you international accreditation?

Not specifically though you can do other courses as an adjunct to do MCA qualifications, or apply for the equivalent International Certificate of Competence.

Further Resources:

Take a look at this UKSA page,  or view the syllabus here.

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