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RYA Day Skipper Practical Sailing course

Learn to sail in the sunshine.  We cruise between the islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.  Amazing winds, great scenery, beautiful anchorages and modern marinas with fantastic restaurants.  

This course is for aspiring skippers who have some yachting experience and basic understanding of navigation. This course concentrates on the two most difficult aspects of skippering a yacht for the beginner: pilotage and boat handling.

Each trainee skipper will be asked to skipper the yacht on a short passage. Your instructor will be on hand to give advice and encouragement and to ensure that your destination is reached safely. The essential element is that you experience being in charge and take the credit when all goes well, but also have responsibility when it doesn`t. The end of each day is usually spent around the chart table discussing the passages and gaining from each other`s experience.

The course will cover, preparation for sea, deck work, navigation, pilotage, meteorology, rules of the road, maintenance and repair work, engines, victualing, emergency situations, yacht handling under power, yacht handling under sail, passage making and night cruising.

Experience Needed to Take this Course

Day Skipper Practical is the normal follow on Practical course from Competent Crew, however the theory knowledge must be gained prior to attempting this practical course.


Canary Islands

Course Type

Day Skipper Practical Sailing

Course Address

Calle El Pozo 4, Las Tinajas 1, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, 35660

Upcoming Dates for this Course


every week

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