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FAQ's - RYA Dinghy Performance Sailing

How much will this course cost including exam fees?

This will cost up to £400 (Approx $620, or 510 EUROS) depending on where you do it, and whether you can get a club membership discount.

What will you get out of the Performance Sailing course?

You will be able to sail the fastest, state of the art dinghies on the water. You may end up on an International Canoe, a 49er skiff, or even a foiling GC32 depending on where you wish to take your sailing. In signing up for this you want to live life on the edge! You will learn how to use a trapeze and fly a spinnaker while racing.

What are your safe limits on passing this?

Your safe limits would ultimately be dictated by the race authorities – expect to be able to race in anything up to 30 knots of wind in a bumpy sea state.

Is the course shorebased theory, practical or both?

This is primarily practical though there will be techniques discussed on the dock. Though you won’t be expected to sit a written test, you should be able to demonstrate skill in most weather conditions in dealing with almost anything that is thrown at you.

Where can you do the Performance Sailing course?

You can do this course anywhere that has RYA accreditation to teach it.

Can you do this in another country?


What level of experience or certification do you need before you begin the Dinghy Performance Sailing course?

You should be able to fly a spinnaker to the level required of the RYA Dinghy Spinnakers Course.

How long does the course take?

The course takes two days but can be combined on a longer course, for example with the RYA Spinnakers course.

What does the course involve?

This takes the competent sailor and enables them to challenge the best in their club fleet. You will learn how to use a trapeze competently while trimming the sail or helming. You will learn to use the asymmetric or symmetric spinnaker in anger. You will learn how to trim the sail and set the rigging perfectly for a given race.

How do I progress after completing the course?

For amateur racers this is the top RYA course. In theory at least, you can progress to national and class regattas on the top boats around – whether a Moth Mk2, GC32 or a skiff such as the 49er. These boats are performance boats and don’t give you any room for beginner’s errors.

Does it give you international accreditation?

No, but those with this qualification have gone on to Olympic and international glory.

Where can I learn more about the RYA Dinghy Performance Sailing course?

Have a look at this RYA webpage to get a fuller idea of what this course is about.

Buy a book or DVD from the RYA shop to hone your skills ahead of doing the course. 

Find out about other available dinghy courses here.

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