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FAQ's - RYA Day Skipper Motor Cruising Practical

How much will the Day Skipper Motor Cruising Practical course cost including exam fees?

The course can cost around £1000 per person (Approx. $1,520 or 1,275 Euros)

What will you get out of this course?

This trains the motor cruiser skipper in all the necessary skills to go on a day cruise. You will learn elements of engine maintenance, navigation at speed, use of electronic and paper navigation aids, and all the various elements of taking a powerboat out to sea in sheltered waters in daylight hours.

What are your limits on passing it?

You should not attempt a multi night passage, take your vessel out in bad weather, or go too far out of sight of land.

Is this course shorebased (theory), practical or both?

This is a practical course that should be combined with the Day Skipper Theory course to attain your full RYA Day Skipper qualification.

Where can you take it?

You can take the course anywhere in the world that offers it. The RYA has centres all over the world so you can be flexible as to where you take it.

Can you do the course in another country?


What level of experience do you need before you begin?

You should have spent a minimum of two days as crew or skipper on a powerboat of a minimum of 7 metres LOA, of which you must have covered a minimum of 100 miles and done four night hours.

Put in perspective, at a 15mph cruising speed you will have covered 100 miles in less than 7 hours. In short you could do a passage between Plymouth and the Solent and back over two days and get more than the minimum requirement.

How long does this Day Skipper Motor course take?

Four days. It is recommended you do this as an intensive course.

What does the course involve?

This is generally done in a relaxed environment with a fully equipped galley and lots of time to relax and enjoy your time afloat. You will however cover a number of techniques that teach you the basics of good seamanship, navigation and engine maintenance.

You will cover navigation by day and night, as well as engine operation and maintenance. You will look at pilotage and slow speed manoeuvres, as well as high speed manoeuvres. You will cover safety at sea, both on board and the Collision Regulations.

You will also cover meteorology, and how to read the weather ahead of you.

How do I progress after completing the course?

You can progress through the RYA syllabus to RYA Coastal Skipper, Motor (Practical). Look at the RYA motor boating courses here.

Does it give you international accreditation?

You can apply for an International Certificate of Competence once qualified with the Day Skipper Theory and Practical courses.

Where can I learn more about the Day Skipper Practical Motor Cruising course?

Check out the links above or search our website to see where you can do a course at a convenient time and location to you.

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